Matthias Thiemann,
Tobias Tröger
Detecting Tail Risks to Preclude Regulatory Arbitrage - The Case for a Normatively Charged Approach to Regulating Shadow Banking
Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium
Law and Finance
2020 |
Mohamed Al Degwy,
Matthias Thiemann
Von mikro- zu makroprudenzieller Regulierung
Die Innenwelt der Ökonomie: Wissen, Macht und Performativität in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Springer)
Macro Finance
2016 |
Vanessa Endrejat,
Matthias Thiemann
When Brussels meets shadow banking- technical complexity, regulatory agency and the reconstruction of the shadow banking chain
Competition & Change
Financial Intermediation, Systemic Risk Lab
2020 |
Jan Friedrich,
Matthias Thiemann
Capital Markets Union: The Need for Common Laws and Common Supervision
DIW-Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung
Financial Intermediation
2017 |
Jan Friedrich,
Matthias Thiemann
Much Ado about Nothing? Macro-Prudential Ideas and the Post-Crisis Regulation of Shadow Banking
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Financial Intermediation
2018 |