Equal Opportunities
Ensuring a diverse, gender fair and family friendly environment with equal opportunities for all employees and adequate working conditions for young families is one of the key concerns of SAFE. From its start, SAFE developed a number of affirmative measures to promote equal opportunities and support families. The mission of SAFE is to create awareness for equal opportunities, empower individuals to combine family and career, counter stereotypes and accommodate where possible to individual life plans.
To date, there is a clear underrepresentation of women in research, especially in leading senior positions. SAFE is striving to counteract by continuously increasing the share of women among its research staff. The guiding principle of selecting the most qualified candidate for a position remains unaffected by this.
Concept for Equal Opportunities
An overview of the measures to achieve equal opportunities as well as a family friendly environment is provided in the SAFE Concept for Equal Opportunities.
Award for Exemplary Action
In 2024, SAFE was awarded the ”TOTAL E-QUALITY” certificate for the third consecutive time for exemplary action in terms of a human resource management aimed at providing equal opportunities. This title is conferred by the TOTAL E-QUALITY Association and certifies a successful and sustainable commitment to equal opportunities for women and men at work. SAFE had received the first cerftificate in 2018.
The TOTAL E-QUALITY jury particularly praised SAFE's focus on promoting young female researchers: “Equal opportunities in research have become a focal point of SAFE's research program in recent years,” it said in its statement. Outstanding measures include the awarding of scholarships to women in the graduate program and participation in the “Mentoring Hessen” program. Research into gender-specific differences in wealth conducted by Christine Laudenbach at the institute is also highlighted as important. Equal opportunities are thus firmly anchored in SAFE's personnel and organizational policy.

Coordinators Equal Opportunities

Prof. Loriana Pelizzon, Ph.D.
Deputy Scientific Director, Director Research Department "Financial Markets"