Research Network
External Researchers

SAFE researchers cooperate with a great number of scholars from high-ranking universities and research institutions worldwide who conduct research in the field of finance and contribute to SAFE research projects.
SAFE regularly invites renowned researchers closely connected to its research field and activities to become SAFE Research Fellows. Young promising researchers who regularly contribute to the SAFE research program are offered to become SAFE Research Affiliates.
Institutional Cooperations

SAFE fosters exchange and cooperation with several international academic institutions. This cooperation includes joint research and publications as well as the organization of events and conferences. In particular, SAFE exchanges frequently with the following institutions:
- Goethe University Frankfurt
- Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
- Institute for Banking and Financial History (IBF)
- Center for Advanced Studies on the Foundations of Law and Finance (LawFin)
SAFE also participates in several networks and collaborative projects: