News Archive


SAFE Policy Lecture: Lorenzo Bini Smaghi presents an alternative to Eurobonds

State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Finance joins advisory board of SAFE Policy Center

SAFE Policy Lecture: Rosa María Lastra from Queen Mary University calls for better judicial control for central banks

Sir Paul Tucker calls for more democratic control when delegating power to central banks

Scholar from Princeton University gives CFS Presidential Lecture on 28 May

Governor of the Bank of Estonia at SAFE Policy Lecture

Thomas Mosk

Thomas Mosk selected for his research proposal “Limits to Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Corporate Loan Pricing”

Francesco Papadia calls for adaptations instead of radical changes

SAFE and Goethe University participate in the EU-funded project EURHISFIRM

Jesper Riedler joined the UCT team and is studying the effects of unconventional monetary policy on financial markets for the project funded by…