News Archive


Interlocking Law and Finance

SAFE Principal Investigator awarded the most prestigious research prize in Germany

Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, pleads for a new economic policy

Tobin Hanspal, Claes Bäckman, Nathanael Vellekoop and Olga Goldfayn have been awarded funding by the Think Forward Initiative

EMU – How much Federalism?

Topics: Does More Competition Make Banks Safer? The Welfare Costs of Temperature Shocks; the limits of bail-in; and a guest commentary by Gabriel…

New White Paper Sets out Key Recommendations towards the Creation of an Energy Efficient Mortgage Product for Europe

EeDaPP Initiative Receives Funding from European Commission

Bubbles are rare events. When they pop, the consequences can be devastating – but sometimes, hardly anything happens. On 18 October 2017,…


An increasing number of financial service companies use external service providers to comply with their regulatory duties. Since it would be too…