Frankfurt Conference on Financial Market Policy: Banking Beyond Banks

organized by the SAFE Policy Center

Friday, 17 October 2014, Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Festsaal Casino


9.30 am


Rainer Klump (Executive Board, Goethe University)
Ingmar Jung (State Secretary, Hessen State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts)

9.40 am



9.45 am

Introductory remarks

Jan Pieter Krahnen (SAFE and Goethe University)

Keynote Address

Vítor Constâncio (Vice President, European Central Bank)

10.30 am

Coffee break

11.00 am

Panel 1: What is special/normal about non-bank banking?

Claudia Buch (Deutsche Bundesbank), John Berrigan (EU Commission), Adrian Blundell-Wignall (OECD), Günter Beck (SAFE and University of Siegen)

Chair: Hans-Helmit Kotz (SAFE and Harvard University)

12.30 pm

Lunch Break

2.00 pm

Panel 2: Asset managers: deep pocket specialization, long horizon?

Andreas Billmeier (Stone Milliner ), Anton Brender (Candriam Investors Group), Peter Cornelius (Alp Invest Partners/The Carlyle Group), Andrew Bosomworth (Pimco), Michael Rüdiger (DEKA)

Chair: Andreas Hackethal (SAFE and Goethe University)

3.30 pm

Coffee break

4.00 pm

Panel 3: Infrastructures: delivering safety and liquidity?

Thomas Book (EUREX CLEARING), Jean-Michel Godeffroy (ECB), Joachim Nagel (Deutsche Bundesbank)

Chair: Jürgen Schaaf (European Central Bank)

5.30 pm



Nouriel Roubini (Chairman, Roubini Global Economics and Professor of Economics, NYU)