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Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE e.V.
Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe
Member of the Leibniz Association
Management Board:
Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Florian Heider
Deputy Scientific Director: Prof. Loriana Pelizzon, Ph.D.
Managing Director: Dr. Muriel Büsser
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE e.V.
House of Finance
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3
60323 Frankfurt am Main
VAT ID: DE325945321
Postal Address:
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE e.V.
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Photo credits
A.Antl/Shotshop.com (piggy bank)
Adrien Delforge/Unsplash (shopping cart)
Alexandra_Koch/Pixabay (pupil)
Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay (euro bills)
Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay (shopping cart)
alphaspirit.it/Shutterstock (solar panels and scale)
andirin/Shotshop.com (net, moving)
Andrea Miola (photos of the Bonn-Frankfurt-Mannheim PhD Conference)
artJazz/iStock (EU flags)
Austin Distel/Unsplash (digital currency)
Benedicte Maindiaux (Event Mersch, Brussels)
Cassie Wright Photography (Bianca Putz)
cdubo/Unsplash (Money on hands)
Ces ifo Group Munich (Clemens Fuest)
champc/iStock (data on screen)
Christian Rieck (events)
Christoph Meinersmann/pixabay (lock on euros)
CHUTTERSNAP/Unsplash (Container)
Cleyder Duque/Pexels (manufacturer)
Crypto Crow/Pexels (bitcoin holder)
crystal710/Pixabay (conference audience)
Court of Justice of the European Union (A hearing of the Court of Justice - Grand Chamber)
Dan Carvalho/ Pixabay (Statue of Liberty/ New York)
Daniel Petzold/Shotshop.com (banknotes)
David Ausserhofer (Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln)
DeMango23/Shotshop.com (world map with money symbols)
Deutsche Börse AG (bull and bear)
DisobeyArt/Shutterstock (Protest Posters)
EIOPA (flag with Logo)
Eric Tham/iStock (bitcoin)
European Union 2014/EP/Genevieve Engel (European Parliament Strasbourg)
Federal Ministry of Finance (Dr. Jörg Kukies)
Federal Reserve (Fed building)
FotografieLink/Pixabay (Frankfurt Skyline)
franckito/Shotshop.com (jigsaw European Union)
G.Fessy/CJUE (European Court of Justice)
Geralt/Pixabay (Stock exchange blue and white)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Birgitta Wolff)
guvo59/Pixabay (banknotes in file folder)
Hackman/Shotshop.com (euro sign)
Hermann Schmider/Pixabay
HMdF/Sabrina Feige (Thomas Schäfer)
Holger Ullmann (city view Frankfurt)
hqrloveq/iStock (Globe with Coins)
ID 652234/Pixabay (Lost places)
Innviertlerin/Pixabay (symbol picture Italy)
IR_Stone/iStock (Banking Towers in Madrid)
IronGargoyle/Wikipedia (Torre Unicredit crepuscolo)
itman__47 (rice field)
Janine Schmitz/photothek.net (R.Haselmann and M. Wahrenburg at the BMF)
Jiovani34/iStock (people in front of Greek bank)
Jürgen Lecher, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Horst Entorf)
Kai Hartmann Photography (BaFin)
Kaique Rocha/Pexels (closed)
Kazuo ota/Unsplash (Shibuya)
kbuntu/Shotshop.com (sphere with words, research)
koya979/Shotshop.com (map of Europe)
kunst.hessen.de (Angela Dorn)
Leibniz-Gemeinschaft/Oliver Lang (Matthias Kleiner)
Lukas Bieri/Pixabay (Landscape with pinwheel)
Marc Bartolo/ Goethe University Frankfurt (photo Anna Rohlfing-Bastian)
Markus Spiske/Pexels (Ukraine - SWIFT)
Markus Spiske/Unsplash (Ukraine Protest)
Maryna Yazbeck/Unsplash (euro sign in front of banks)
Mathieu Stern/Unsplash (Sitting Coin)
Matt Botsford/Unsplash (condenser microphone)
Michele Palmieri/Pixabay (Monte dei Paschi)
Mihai Simonia/iStock (computer)
Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard (Sir Paul Tucker)
Montse Monmo/Unsplash (Naples)
NakNakNak/Pixabay (EU Flags in front of the European Commission)
olaser/iStock (workers in an office tower at night)
Olena_T/iStock (database symbol)
Oren Elbaz/Unsplash (Bank of America)
pab_map/Shotshop.com (office building)
Peter Bundrück/Shotshop.com (picture of Frankfurt)
Pexels/Pixabay (share price on a screen)
Pexels/ Ketut Subiyanto (group of women with mobile devices)
Philipp Birmes/Pexels (Skyscapers and blue sky)
Pixtum/iStock (digital data)
Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung/ Kugler (Peter Altmaier)
Princeton University (Harold James)
ProfessionalPhoto/Pixabay (ECB)
Romy Vinogradova (Hans-Werner Sinn)
roobcio/Shotshop.com (newspaper, zoom on "Policy")
Scott Graham/Unsplash (Investors)
Sean Pollock/Unsplash (Office buildings)
Steve Buissinne/Pixabay (coins and pens)
Steve Buissinne/Pixabay (coins with caliper)
Steven Weirather/Pixabay (Girl on Laptop)
StockSnap/Pixabay (video camera)
SUNDRY PHOTOGRAPHY/iStock (Silicon Valley Bank)
Sven Tränkner / Senckenberg (biodiversity)
Sven Wied (YES! - Young Economic Summit)
tasukaran/Pixabay (industry)
The Climate Reality Project/Unsplash (woman with notepad)
TheDigitalArtist/Pixabay (Earth)
Thomas Weißenfels/Shotshop.com (people with banknotes)
Thomaspajot/Shotshop.com (stock exchange)
Tina Merkau (Summer Academy 2013, Berlin)
Tom/Pixabay (power poles)
Tom Fisk/Pexels (Power plant)
torstensimon/Pixabay (Euro coin stack)
University of California, Berkeley (Barry Eichengreen)
University of Konstanz (Günter Franke)
Uwe Dettmar (university photos, events)
vchal/Shutterstock (Italian voter)
vivianhertz.be (Summer Academy and Lunchtime Series, Brussels)
vlad_start/Shotshop.com (stack of papers)
vnwayne fan/Unsplash (library)
Walter Vorjohann www.bundesbank.de/de/presse/pressematerial/bildarchiv/gebaeude-645080 (Bundesbank-Zentrale Frankfurt)
WingTillDie/Pixabay (avatar)
wirecard.com/de/unternehmen/newsroom (Wirecard)
www.interfoto.at/ (Christine Zulehner)
xload/Shotshop.com (stack of books)
xusenru/Pixabay (Moscow towers)
XXLPhoto/Shutterstock (ECB and Flags)
zhang kaiyv/Unsplash (Beijing)