The conference is in the context of the Goethe University Visiting Professorship of Financial History, currently held by Prof. Catherine Schenk Ph.D., endowed by Metzler Bank and Friedrich Flick Förderungsstiftung.
This event aims to combine current and historical perspectives on international bank networks and how they contribute to, or inhibit, systemic stability. On the one hand, networks can enhance stability by providing a more resilient system in case of an external shock. Alternatively, a shock to liquidity can be spread through interbank networks. Topics include financial contagion, for example the spread of the financial crisis in the 1930s; the emergence and supervision of systemically-important banks; national and international clearing and settlement systems, and the rise and fall of interbank markets. Participants will include academics and researchers from central banks and international financial institutions. The event will be of interest to all those concerned with the resilience and security of international banking.