The Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE organizes and cordially invites you to attend the
10th SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop
co-organized by the Deutsche Bundesbank and
the DFG-Research Unit FOR 5230 "Financial Markets and Frictions"
to be held on 26 September 2023, House of Finance, Campus Westend
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The organizers aim to stimulate the discussion on current developments in the field of intermediary asset pricing (in a broadly defined sense). The attendance is free of charge.
Please note that on the day before, 25 September, the 7th SAFE Market Microstructure conference will take place, you can find more information here.
The Program Committee:
Christian Schlag (Goethe University Frankfurt and SAFE)
Falko Fecht (Head of Research, Deutsche Bundebank)
Christoph Meinerding (Research Centre, Deutsche Bundesbank)
Marliese Uhrig-Homburg (Spokesperson, DGF-Research Unit FOR 5230)