Mainstreaming Transparent Assessment of Energy Efficiency in ESG Ratings (TranspArEEnS)

Project Start: 06/2021
Status: Completed
Researchers: Luca Bertalot, Monica Billio, Stefano Colonnello, Michele Costola, Aoife Fitzpatrick, Carmelo Latino, Konrad Lucke, Loriana Pelizzon
Area: Financial Markets
Funded by: EU-Horizon 2020

The project develops and operationalizes a quali-quantitative framework to improve the standardized disclosure and assessment of Environmental Efficiency (EE) and ESG performance of companies, including SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). The objective is to improve the standardized disclosure of environmental efficiency (EE) and ESG information of companies in order to facilitate access to long-term financing and improve risk assessment, while mitigating the risk of greenwashing. TranspArEEnS achieves its goal through five objectives: 1) develop a standardized, large-scale EE-ESG database; 2) develop a standardized EE-ESG SMEs survey; 3) develop a standardized EE-ESG rating; 4) support long-term EE securitization; 5) dissemination and capacity building.
Partner institutions: Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice (Coordinator), CRIF, Covered Bond & Mortgage Council – CBMC, MODEFINANCE 
Project duration: 2,5 years
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