What's Next for Nature and Sustainable Finance?

03 Dec 2024 15:00 PM
03 Dec 2024 17:50 PM

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, and the Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity (FEdA) are organizing and inviting you to attend the event on

What's Next for Nature and Sustainable Finance?

December 3, 2024, Ballroom of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, Mertonstraße 17, 60325 Frankfurt

Companies and financial institutions increasingly recognize the fundamental role nature has for sustaining the economy. Addressing the link between nature and the economy from a perspective of sustainable finance has never been more pressing as planetary boundaries are being exceeded and multiple pressures including resource use, pollution and climate change are undermining our life-support system. 

Building blocks for a more sustainable financial system have been put in place: Central banks recognize the loss of nature as a systemic risk; the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) sets targets for stopping the loss of nature; policies on sustainable finance and reporting standards are being implemented for enabling a more sustainable financial system.

Yet in practice, integrating nature into decision-making is not always straightforward. Accounting for impacts on nature and risks related to the degradation and loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services is often regarded as challenging. The cross-cutting nature of biodiversity often requires collaboration between different institutional competences and business units. Trade-offs between different sustainability objectives have to be addressed in investment decisions and at a strategic level.

We invite you to join us on December 3 in the ballroom of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research (Mertonstraße 17, 60325 Frankfurt a.M.) to address the question:

What’s next for nature and sustainable finance?
Short impulses from experts on sustainable finance will be followed by panel discussions with input from the audience. Admission is free.

Note: This forum is a satellite event of the 2nd FEdA International Conference „Reversing Biodiversity Loss – Conflicts, Telecoupling and Successful Practices“, which will take place online on December 4-5. Please find more information on the main conference here.