SAFE Policy Web Seminar: Renée B. Adams (University of Oxford)

29 Jan 2021 - 12:15 PM

The SAFE Policy Center organizes and cordially invites you to attend a web seminar on
Women in the Shareholder/Stakeholder Debate:
a Reason for Board Diversity Policies?

Watch the video on our Youtube channel

Friday, 29 January 2021, 12:15 – 1:30 pm CET via Zoom

Renée B. Adams
(Saïd Business School, University of Oxford )

Moderator: Tobias Troeger (SAFE and Goethe University)

Using gender as a criterion for board appointments, for example through a female quota, is a controversial topic in the public debate. One of the arguments in favor of board diversity policies is that it expands the set of perspectives in corporate governance. It is widely believed that appointing women to the board is a way to ensure that corporations consider the interests of non-shareholder stakeholders. Is this true? Evidence on female directors’ attitudes towards shareholders and stakeholders implies that the answer is not as straightforward as it may seem. Against this background, this policy lecture discusses differences in attitudes towards stakeholders between male and female directors and their implications for policy making.

Renée B. Adams is a Professor of Finance at Said Business School, University of Oxford. She is a Fellow of the Leibniz Institute SAFE, also a Fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute and a Senior Fellow of the "Foundations of Law and Finance” Research Center at Goethe University and the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research. She is an expert on corporate governance, bank governance and gender. Her work has a strong policy orientation and draws on economics, finance, management and psychology. She co-founded the American Finance Association’s “Academic Female Finance Committee” in 2015 and chaired it until 2020.

The web seminar is a part of the SAFE Policy Lecture Series aiming at fostering debates on policy-relevant issues. 

Please note that a registration is required. You will receive the link to attend the web seminar in the final confirmation one day before the event.