SAFE Data Seminar: An introduction to the tidyverse in R

16 Apr 2024 12:15 PM
16 Apr 2024 13:45 PM

The SAFE Research Data Center organizes and cordially invites you to attend the following seminar: 
An introduction to the tidyverse in R
by Ina Krapp (SAFE Data Center)
to be held on 16 April 2024, 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m., ONLINE via Zoom

For anyone who wants to start with research in R, a package called ‘tidyverse’ offers many useful functions. This 75-minutes seminar will introduce the participants to working with the tidyverse by leading through the typical steps a research project may include. It will show ways of loading different datasets into R and to ‘tidy’ them, to modify, compare and merge data, to work with missing values and to create new variables. Finally, it will show how to visualize the data and how to perform a regression analysis.

In the end we will have additional 15 minutes for Q&A. The workshop is suitable for beginners with no previous programming experience.

Please note that a registration is required.

A seminar on "Time Series Analysis in R" will be held on 18 April.