2023 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA)

05 Jul 2023 09:00 AM
07 Jul 2023 17:00 PM

The Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA) jointly with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (Columbia SIPA) and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research “Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe” (SAFE) organize the
2023 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association
to be held on 5 -7 July 2023
at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (5 July) and
Columbia SIPA (6 - 7 July), New York City, USA

Program and further information

You will find all links to livestreamed events of the 2023 CEBRA Annual Meeting here. Times are New York, United States (UTC-4), please note this program is subject to minor changes.

In addition to a number of highly interesting panel discussions, a poster session designed specifically at early career women in Economics #CEBRA23 offers seven parallel tracks which feature 39 sessions in total and include over 100 high quality papers covering a wide variety of policy relevant topics.

Information about accommodation (for participants only)

More than 200 central bank researchers will come to present and discuss from countries all over the world in New York City from July 5-7, 2023, featuring 39 parallel sessions plus panel discussions and a Fireside Chat with John Williams (President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York) on "Monetary Policy: Lessons and Challenges". 
We have received a record breaking number of 1081 paper submissions this year, and are very proud to be able to offer such a high quality program.

Disclaimer: Participation of the above-listed co‐sponsoring institutions does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation or favouring endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of the Central Bank Research Association or any other co‐sponsor or other person or entity by any of the co‐sponsoring institutions. All views expressed during CEBRA's 2023 annual meeting are strictly those of the authors, discussants, and other participants and not those of CEBRA, the co‐sponsoring institutions or any other institutions.