20 Nov 2019

The European Commission selects Katja Langenbucher for the High-Level Forum on Capital Markets Union

Professor of Goethe University appointed to group of experts to take forward the Capital Markets Union

Katja Langenbucher has been appointed a member of the High-Level Forum on Capital Markets Union (HLF) of the European Commission. She is Professor for Private Law, Corporate and Financial Law at Goethe University and a Principal Investigator at the Research Center SAFE. Aside from Langenbucher, the Commission selected 27 other candidates from civil society, the business and finance community, as well as other non-public sector institutions.

The HLF will propose policy recommendations for future Capital Market Union actions to ensure that citizens and businesses can access capital markets across the European Union on equal terms and irrespective of their geographical location. The Forum will be comprised of three subgroups: (1) the ecosystem for capital raising with a special focus on SMEs; (2) the development of a Pan-European capital market architecture, with a focus on new financial technologies; (3) retail investor participation and the diversification of the investor base. Langenbucher will be part of the second subgroup. The expert group will start its work on 26 November.

Langenbucher is a Professor at the Goethe University’s House of Finance since 2007. Since 2011, she is also an affiliated professor of SciencesPo in Paris. Her research focuses on capital markets law, European law, and legal theory.