From 29.1 to 31.1, the “Round Four Digging into Data Challenge Conference” brought together both the “Digging into Data Round 4” principal investigators and a subset of principal investigators from past rounds of the “Digging into Data Challenge”. The conference took place in Alexandria, Virginia.
The meeting aimed to explore the outcomes of the 14 projects funded in Round 4, to consider the sustainability of data-intensive projects in the humanities and social sciences, the communities that develop around these projects, and the future of this type of work.
Mila Getmansky Sherman (University of Massachusetts), Katia Vozian (Hanken School of Economics), Khaladdin Rzayev (LSE Systemic Risk Centre), and Michael Schneider (Goethe University) presented their unique work of the project “Digging into High-Frequency Data: Present and Future Risks and Opportunities”. This project brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the UK, France, Germany, Finland, and the US. Its goal is to build a transatlantic securities markets database that scholars can use easily for their research in Europe and the US. The objective is to improve and homogenize existing datasets and build models to improve our understanding of how electronic markets work.
The meeting allowed the team of “Digging into High-Frequency Data: Present and Future Risks and Opportunities” the opportunity to meet the project funders as well as to lively discuss their research and project results with other researchers from different fields of the humanities – linguistics, psychology, and folklorists – participating in other projects.
Photo: Mila Getmansky Sherman, Katia Vozian, Khaladdin Rzayev, and Michael Schneider (left to right)