12 Sep 2016

Minister Johanna Wanka handed over Anneliese Maier Research Prizes

On 8 September, the Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka handed over the Anneliese Maier Research Prizes – among others to Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Charles E. Merrill Professor of Finance, Economics and International Business at the Stern School of Business, New York University, who had been nominated by the Research Center SAFE (see news of January 26, 2016).

Subrahmanyam delivered a speech on “Liquidity and the Development of Robust Fixed Income Markets” (download presentation). Also, SAFE Professor Loriana Pelizzon as well as SAFE Assistant Professors Thomas Mosk and Matthias Thiemann contributed to the scientific program.

From left to right: Loriana Pelizzon, Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Johanna Wanka, Helmut Schwarz (President of the Humboldt Foundation). Picture: Humboldt-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer