The joint project “Stranded assets, financial constraints, and the distributional impacts of climate policy”, was initiated by the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE and the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) to investigate how climate protection in the transport sector can be made more socially affordable. The Leibniz Association has now selected the project for the Leibniz Collaborative Excellence competition and will fund it for three years starting in 2023.
Commenting on the grant awarded, Loriana Pelizzon, Director of SAFE’s Financial Markets Research Department and project coordinator, says: “The funding of our project by the Leibniz Association shows how important it is to provide evidence of the impact of climate policies through our research. Together with the MCC, we can contribute to targeting climate and distribution policies.” As an example of stranded assets, the researchers examine emission-intensive used cars, which are losing economic viability due to the rise in carbon prices and thus increased gasoline prices, and are particularly harmful to lower-income groups.
According to the Leibniz Association, the SAFE and MCC collaboration is “helping to design distributional policies that mitigate the negative impacts for those affected and increase societal acceptance of inevitable change.”
Find the MCC’s press release here: