Prof. Dr. Florian Heider

Financial Intermediation
Scientific Director, Co-Director Department "Financial Intermediation", Professor
SAFE/Goethe University
Forschungsschwerpunkt (e):
Financial Intermediaries, Monetary Policy, Market Design, Capital Structure of Companies

Florian Heider is Scientific Director of the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE since 1 December 2022 and Professor of Finance at Goethe University’s House of Finance.

His research interests are currently focused on financial intermediaries and on their role in monetary policy, market design, and the capital structure of companies. His work has appeared in a range of academic journals. 

Following research positions at the London School of Economics and the New York University Stern School of Business, he joined the ECB in 2004 where he worked in various functions in the departments of Research, Market Infrastructure & Payments, and Monetary Policy.

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