7th Household Finance Workshop

13. Juli 2023 09:00 Uhr
14. Juli 2023 17:00 Uhr

The Leibniz Institute SAFE organizes and cordially invites you to submit a paper to the

7th Household Finance Workshop
to be held on 13-14 July 2023
at Würzburg Tagungszentrum Schmerlenbach (Schmerlenbacher Str. 8, 63768 Hösbach)


The idea of the workshop is to strengthen our community and to provide a platform to discuss ongoing research in the area. 

The keynote speach will be given by Florian Zimmermann (briq and University of Bonn).

We encourage submissions from junior researchers. The majority of slots on the program will be given to untenured scholars. Papers that are at an early stage (but completed) will receive priority. Please do not submit a paper that has been accepted or close to being accepted for publication in a journal. 

The 2-day long workshop will be held from Thursday, 13 July, to Friday, 14 July, 2023 at monastery conference center Schmerlenbach (50 km distance to Frankfurt/Main)  

Given that the nature of this workshop is to strengthen the network, we do not plan to hold this conference in a virtual or hybird format. 
Local organizer: 
Christine Laudenbach 

Conference Fee: 
The conference fee for tenured researchers and post docs is 100 Euros. PhD students do not have to pay any conference fee. Additional funding for attendees’ lodging and meals will be provided by SAFE.

Program Committee: 
Tobias Berg, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Marieke Bos, Stockholm School of Economics & VU Amsterdam
Tabea Bucher-Koenen, ZEW & University of Mannheim
Kim Fe Cramer, London School of Economics and Political Science
Andrej Gill, University of Mainz
Katrin Gödker, Bocconi University
Andreas Hackethal, Goethe University
Zwetelina Illiewa, University of Bonn
Arna Olaffsson, Copenhagen Business School
Cameron Peng,  London School of Economics
Stephan Siegel, University of Washington
Johannes Wohlfart, University of Copenhagen
Stefan Zeisberger, Radboud University, Nijmegen & University of Zurich

Please feel free to distribute the call for papers among colleagues who may be interested. 

Kind regards,
The organizers