Call for Project Proposals 2019
The SAFE Scientific Board is pleased to announce a final call for project proposals for 2019. Please note that the realization of the projects is conditional on further funding by LOEWE (we expect the corresponding decision to be taken in early December 2018).
Considering that SAFE as a LOEWE Center will definitely end in December 2019, we would like to put a focus on concluding existing and promising SAFE projects. In addition, we encourage project proposals that can serve as a preparation for one of the research groups projected for a possible Leibniz Institute in 2020.
Projects will be funded for a maximum duration of 12 months (Jan-Dec 2019) and can include the following cost categories: personnel (research assistant* or student assistant), travel costs, publication costs, IT and data.**
The project should be assigned to one of the five research areas of SAFE (Financial Institutions, Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance, Household Finance, Financial Markets, Macro Finance), the Data Center or the Systemic Risk Lab. Please consult with the person heading the area/lab when planning to submit a proposal.
Selection criteria
Projects should aim at producing tangible output in the short run (e.g. a working paper ready until the end of 2019). Researchers are also expected to present their work at internal and external seminars and conferences. In all cases of publication and dissemination, SAFE should be acknowledged for its financial support.
The evaluation of the research projects is based on four evaluation criteria – academic quality, international visibility, relevance and impact, novelty and originality – using a scoring scheme between 1 (poor) and 4 (excellent).
The following deadlines apply:
- 21 October 2018: deadline for submission
- 7 November 2018: selection and decision by the Scientific Board
- Mid-November 2018: confirmations (incl. provisional funding agreements) & rejections will be sent
- December 2018: new positions can be announced (after confirmation of funding prolongation by LOEWE)
- 1 January 2019: start of projects
*Please note that only full professors can apply for a research assistant.
**Funding for visitors and conferences can be applied for via separate calls that will be send in October.