SAFE-CEPR Policy Web Seminar "The Wirecard scandal: What needs to change?"

12. Nov. 2020 17:00 Uhr
12. Nov. 2020 18:15 Uhr

The Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) organize a web seminar on

The Wirecard scandal: What needs to change?

Watch the video on our Youtube channel

Jan Pieter Krahnen (SAFE, Goethe University and CEPR)
Katja Langenbucher (Goethe University)
Christian Leuz (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Loriana Pelizzon (SAFE and Goethe University)

Moderator: Tim Phillips (CEPR)

The Wirecard scandal raises many questions about the effectiveness of market and institutional oversight. Several mechanisms against corporate fraud and deception have failed in some respects, including internal control systems, external audits, the oversight bodies for financial reporting and auditing as well as the market supervisor. This has important implications not only for the institutional setup in Germany, but also for Europe. Against this background, this web seminar discusses the question: What reforms of the market and institutional oversight architecture are needed to ensure market integrity and investor protection in the future?

Reference will be made to the ECON Briefing Paper “What are the wider supervisory implications of the Wirecard case?” by Jan Krahnen, Katja Langenbucher, Christian Leuz and Loriana Pelizzon.