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Forschung | ||
Daniel Harenberg, Alexander Ludwig | "Do the Benefits from Social Security Outweigh the Costs of Distortionary Taxation?" | |
Nicole Branger, Christian Schlag, Lue Wu | "'Nobody is Perfect': When Heterogeneous Investors Exhibit Different Kinds of Filtering Errors" | |
Interview | Loriana Pelizzon | "There Have Always Been Risk Spillovers in Europe" |
Policy | Günter W. Beck, Hans-Helmut Kotz, Natalia Zabelina | "Euro Area Macro-Financial Stability: A Flow-of-Funds Perspective" |
Publikation | Ester Faia, Andreas Hackethal, Michael Haliassos, Katja Langenbucher (Herausgeber) | "Financial Regulation: A Transatlantic Perspective" |
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