Macro Finance

In the department Macro Finance, research focuses on the interaction between the overall economy and the financial system. Shocks in the real economy (e.g., energy costs) affect the market prices of goods and services which then has an impact on the financial system, e.g., through firms' demand for investment or households' saving behavior. This in turn has consequences for the real economy. Thus, there are interactions and a possible amplification of the original shocks. In extreme cases, financial crises occur, leading to large economic costs. The same applies to shocks in the financial economy, e.g., due to changes in monetary policy: Changes in nominal interest rates lead to new (real) decisions in investment and consumption. These interactions are steered by regulatory policies, such as pension policy, energy transition or public debt policy. Particular attention is paid to the influence of the financial architecture and its actors (banks, stock exchanges, central banks, sovereigns) on economic activity and distribution. A precise understanding of these interrelationships requires both a macroeconomic and a microeconomic perspective, the empirical investigation of existing phenomena as well as theoretical analysis with simulations and forecasts. The department management is currently in occupation, so that a precise formulation of the main topics in this comprehensive subject can only be made later.


Author/s Title Area Type Published
Nils Grevenbrock, Max Groneck, Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper Cognition, Optimism and the Formation of Age-Dependent Survival Beliefs
International Economic Review
Macro Finance Published Paper 2021
Matthias Goldmann Contesting Austerity in the 1970s and 1980s - When Human Rights Went Missing
Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories
Financial Intermediation, Macro Finance Published Paper 2021
Andreas Nölke For a Plurality of Economic and Social Models! Against a Monolithic Euro State!
Key Controversies in European Integration (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Macro Finance Published Paper 2021
Matthias Goldmann, Ingo Venzke, Armin von Bogdandy Gemeinwohl im Völkerrecht. Eine Theorie internationaler öffentlicher Gewalt
Normative Ordnungen (Suhrkamp)
Financial Intermediation, Law and Finance, Macro Finance Published Paper 2021
Andreas Nölke The Deformation of the Core by Dependency Relations: The Case of Germany in Europe
Dependent Capitalisms in Contemporary Latin America and Europe. International Political Economy Series (Springer)
Macro Finance Published Paper 2021
Christoph Hambel, Holger Kraft, Eduardo S. Schwartz Optimal Carbon Abatement in a Stochastic Equilibrium Model with Climate Change
European Economic Review
Macro Finance, Systemic Risk Lab Published Paper 2020
Sandra Eckert, Vincent R. Lindner, Andreas Nölke EMU reform proposals and their (non) implementation: An overview
White Paper No. 78
Macro Finance Policy Paper 2020
Kardelen Günaydin, Daniel Mertens Politisiertes Sparen und die Europäische Zentralbank. Zur Politischen Ökonomie der Geldpolitischen Debatte in Deutschland
Macro Finance Published Paper 2020
Eren Gürer, Alfons J. Weichenrieder Inflation, Inflationsmessung und Zentralbankpolitik
Policy Letter No. 89
Macro Finance Policy Paper 2020
Besart Avdiu, Alfons J. Weichenrieder Financing Costs and the Efficiency of Public-Private Partnerships
SAFE Working Paper No. 295
Macro Finance SAFE Working Paper 2020

Current Research Team

Researcher Position
Kaas, Leo SAFE Fellow
Ludwig, Alexander SAFE Fellow
Nölke, Andreas SAFE Fellow
Weichenrieder, Alfons J. SAFE Fellow
Wiederholt, Mirko SAFE Fellow