Household Finance

The department Household Finance conducts research on the financial decisions of private households and the interplay between the supply of and the demand for financial services. The research projects in this area are united by the overarching goal of developing solutions that lead to better financial decisions by households. In addition to the microeconomic perspective, the department also follows a macroeconomic perspective, for example concerning the design of pension systems as a determinant of both the depth and width of capital markets and long-term wealth formation in the household sector of an economy.
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Ongoing Research Projects
Household Finance
Household Finance
Human-AI Collaboration, Human-AI Complementarities, Non-Monetary Incentives to Work, Meta-Learners
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance
Short-term and long-term consumption response to systematic income shocks, liquid hand-to-mouth, behavioral measurement, time preferences, bounded rationality, robust heterogeneity, structural behavioral, experiential learning, goal setting, financial li
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Law and Finance,
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Household Finance
Household Finance,
Experiment Center
Communication, Echo Chambers, Biased Beliefs
Household Finance
Household Finance
Household Finance
Household Finance
Current Research Team
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