Financial Intermediation

The Financial Intermediation department focuses on the role of intermediaries in the capital market, in particular banks and insurance companies, but also little or non-regulated market participants ("shadow banks") and their "off-balance-sheet" activities. Research focuses on the supervision and regulation of banks (e.g., liquidity regulation), the role of banks in the transmission of monetary policy into the real economy (e.g., the willingness to take risks at low-interest rates), the importance of safe investments in banking, or the consequences of digitalization and the green transformation for the business models of financial intermediaries.


Author/s Title Area Type Published
Bernd Freisleben, Oliver Hinz, Katharina Keller, Anja Klein, Bernd Simon, Artur Sterz A Multi-Stakeholder Modeling Framework for the Techno-Economic Analysis of Telecommunication Networks
IEEE Communications Magazine
Financial Intermediation Published Paper 2023
Alexander Hillert, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, Stefan Ruenzi Mutual Fund Shareholder Letters: Flows, Performance, and Managerial Behavior
SAFE Working Paper No. 380
Financial Intermediation, Data Center SAFE Working Paper 2023
Florian Heider, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Loriana Pelizzon, Jonas Schlegel, Tobias Tröger Die Notwendigkeit einer Absicherung aller Sichteinlagen: Der Fall der Silicon Valley Bank und Lehren für Europa
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung
Financial Intermediation, Law and Finance, Financial Markets Published Paper 2023
Jens-Hinrich Binder To Ring-Fence or Not, and How? Strategic Questions for Post-Crisis Banking Reform in Europe
forthcoming in European Banking Regulation (CH Beck)
Financial Intermediation Published Paper 2023
Franco Fiordelisi, Giulia Fusi, Angela Maddaloni, David Marqués-Ibáñez Pandemic Lending: Micro and Macro Effects of Model-Based Regulation
SAFE Working Paper No. 374
Financial Intermediation SAFE Working Paper 2022
Benjamin M. Abdel-Karim, Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Michael Nofer The Effects of Discontinuing Machine Learning Decision Support
SAFE Working Paper No. 370
Financial Intermediation, Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2022
Thorsten Beck, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Philippe Martin, Franz Mayer, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tobias Tröger, Nicolas Véron, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Jeromin Zettelmeyer Completing the banking union: Economic requirements and legal conditions
White Paper No. 93
Financial Intermediation, Law and Finance Policy Paper 2022
Jannis Bischof, Rainer Haselmann, Tobias Tröger Monitoring Complex Financial Instruments in Banks’ Balance Sheets
White Paper No. 91
Financial Intermediation, Law and Finance Policy Paper 2022
Tatiana Farina, Jan Pieter Krahnen, Irene Mecatti, Loriana Pelizzon, Jonas Schlegel, Tobias Tröger Is there a ‘retail challenge’ to banks’ resolvability? What do we know about the holders of bail-inable securities in the Banking Union?
White Paper No. 92
Financial Intermediation, Law and Finance, Financial Markets Policy Paper 2022
Deyan Radev Assessing Systemic Fragility – A Probabilistic Perspective
Journal of Risk
Financial Intermediation Published Paper 2022

Current Research Team

Researcher Position
Almeida, Rui Doctoral Student
Becker, Bo SAFE Fellow
Berg, Tobias Professor
Beyene, Winta Postdoctoral Researcher
Bischof, Jannis SAFE Fellow
Fohlin, Caroline SAFE Fellow
Gill, Andrej SAFE Fellow
Götz, Martin SAFE Fellow
Gründl, Helmut SAFE Fellow
Haselmann, Rainer Professor
Heider, Florian Professor
Hett, Florian SAFE Fellow
Hillert, Alexander Professor
Hinz, Oliver Professor
Inderst, Roman SAFE Fellow
Kaiser, Luis Enrique Doctoral Student
Krahnen, Jan Pieter Professor
Leuz, Christian SAFE Fellow
Paoli, Lea Katharina Doctoral Student
Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna SAFE Fellow
Skiera, Bernd SAFE Fellow
Steffen, Sascha SAFE Fellow
Stein, Wolfram Doctoral Student
Traversa, Marina Postdoctoral Researcher
von Siemens, Ferdinand SAFE Fellow
Walz, Uwe Professor
Zhang, Xue Doctoral Student