Financial Intermediation

The Financial Intermediation department focuses on the role of intermediaries in the capital market, in particular banks and insurance companies, but also little or non-regulated market participants ("shadow banks") and their "off-balance-sheet" activities. Research focuses on the supervision and regulation of banks (e.g., liquidity regulation), the role of banks in the transmission of monetary policy into the real economy (e.g., the willingness to take risks at low-interest rates), the importance of safe investments in banking, or the consequences of digitalization and the green transformation for the business models of financial intermediaries.


Author/s Title Area Type Published
Jan Krzyzanowski, Uwe Walz Bank Regulation, Lending and Patenting: Evidence from the EBA Capital Exercise
SAFE Working Paper No. 330
Financial Intermediation SAFE Working Paper 2021
Bruno Biais, Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova Variation Margins, Fire Sales, and Information-constrained Optimality
Review of Economic Studies
Financial Intermediation Published Paper 2021
Riccardo Calcagno, Florian Heider Stock-Based Pay, Liquidity, and the Role of Market Making
Journal of Economic Theory
Financial Intermediation Published Paper 2021
Ignazio Angeloni, Johannes Kasinger, Chantawit Tantasith The Geography of Banks in the United States (1990-2020)
SAFE Working Paper No. 321
Financial Intermediation SAFE Working Paper 2021
Kevin Bauer, Andrej Gill Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Machine Predictions and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
SAFE Working Paper No. 313
Financial Intermediation, Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2021
Thomas Huertas Reset required: The euro area crisis management and deposit insurance framework
White Paper No. 85
Financial Intermediation Policy Paper 2021
Matthias Goldmann Contesting Austerity in the 1970s and 1980s - When Human Rights Went Missing
Contingency in International Law: On the Possibility of Different Legal Histories
Financial Intermediation, Macro Finance Published Paper 2021
Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Patrick Weber KI in der Finanzbranche: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen technologischer Innovation und regulatorischer Anforderung
White Paper No. 80
Financial Intermediation Policy Paper 2021
Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Christof Weinhardt, Wil van der Aalst Expl(AI)n It to Me – Explainable AI and Information Systems Research
Business & Information Systems Engineering
Financial Intermediation, Experiment Center Published Paper 2021
Dennis Gram, Pantelis Karapanagiotis, Jan Krzyzanowski, Marius Liebald, Uwe Walz An Extensible Model for Historical Financial Data with an Application to German Company and Stock Market Data
SAFE Working Paper No. 300
Financial Intermediation, Data Center SAFE Working Paper 2021

Current Research Team

Researcher Position
Almeida, Rui Doctoral Student
Becker, Bo SAFE Fellow
Berg, Tobias Professor
Beyene, Winta Postdoctoral Researcher
Bischof, Jannis SAFE Fellow
Fohlin, Caroline SAFE Fellow
Gill, Andrej SAFE Fellow
Götz, Martin SAFE Fellow
Gründl, Helmut SAFE Fellow
Haselmann, Rainer Professor
Heider, Florian Professor
Hett, Florian SAFE Fellow
Inderst, Roman SAFE Fellow
Jäger, Alexander Doctoral Student
Krahnen, Jan Pieter Professor
Leuz, Christian SAFE Fellow
Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna SAFE Fellow
Skiera, Bernd SAFE Fellow
Steffen, Sascha SAFE Fellow
Stein, Wolfram Doctoral Student
Traversa, Marina Postdoctoral Researcher
von Siemens, Ferdinand SAFE Fellow