Experiment Center

Economic experiments – be it in the lab or the field – provide a valuable method to explore the foundations, mechanisms, and implications of economic decision-making in financial contexts and institutions. Researchers at the SAFE Experiment Center use this method to study key questions, for example, in household finance, corporate governance, or financial markets. Experiments help to identify causal relations, measure “behavioral heterogeneity” (e.g., in economic preferences or beliefs), as well as assist policymakers in evaluating the effects of particular interventions and institutions.

The SAFE Experiment Center is a collaboration between the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE and the Frankfurt Laboratory for Experimental Economic Research FLEX.


Author/s Title Area Type Published
Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Moritz von Zahn Expl(AI)ned: The Impact of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Users' Information Processing
SAFE Working Paper No. 315
Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2021
Kevin Bauer, Andrej Gill Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Machine Predictions and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
SAFE Working Paper No. 313
Financial Intermediation, Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2021
Wenhui Li, Christian Wilde Separating the Effects of Beliefs and Attitudes on Pricing under Ambiguity
SAFE Working Paper No. 311
Financial Markets, Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2021
Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Christof Weinhardt, Wil van der Aalst Expl(AI)n It to Me – Explainable AI and Information Systems Research
Business & Information Systems Engineering
Financial Intermediation, Experiment Center Published Paper 2021
Ferdinand von Siemens Motivated Beliefs and the Elderly’s Compliance with COVID-19 Measures
SAFE Working Paper No. 299
Law and Finance, Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2021
Kevin Bauer, Michael Kosfeld, Ferdinand von Siemens Incentives, Self-Selection, and Coordination of Motivated Agents for the Production of Social Goods
SAFE Working Paper No. 318
Financial Intermediation, Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2021
Benjamin M. Abdel-Karim, Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Michael Kosfeld, Nicolas Winfried Pfeuffer The Economic Consequences of Algorithmic Discrimination: Theory and Empirical Evidence
SAFE Working Paper No. 287
Experiment Center SAFE Working Paper 2020

Research Projects

Household Finance, Experiment Center
Household Finance, Experiment Center
Household Finance, Experiment Center
Communication, Echo Chambers, Biased Beliefs

Current Research Team

Researcher Position
Famulok, Jakob Doctoral Student
Gill, Andrej SAFE Fellow
Hett, Florian SAFE Fellow
Kosfeld, Michael Professor
Laudenbach, Christine Professor
Liebich, Lena Doctoral Student
von Siemens, Ferdinand SAFE Fellow