Workshop for Early Career Scholars "International Banking and Finance in Troubled Times: Reflections from the Past"
Alvarez, Sebastian, Wilfried Kisling, Marco Molteni, Blessing or curse? Correspondent banking relations and financial contagion in the 1907 panic (presentation)
Baron, Matthew, and Daniel Dieckelmann, Beyond Boom and Bust: Causes of Banking Crises, 1870–2016 and presentation
Cortes, Gustavo S., Gertjan Versickt, Public Health Crises, Product Pricing, and Risk Management: U.S. Life Insurance during the 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic and presentation
Hay, Mark Edward, Amsterdam and the Atlantic Revolutions and presentation
Heim, Raphael, The Reuter Monitor Money Rates – Technological revolution for financial information markets in times of international crises and presentation
Kuvshinov, Dmitry, Bjorn Richter and Kaspar Zimmermann, The Shifts and the Shocks: Bank Risk, Leverage, and the Macroeconomy and presentation
Levenhagen, Lea, Central Banking in Troubled Times – Norges Bank in London Exile and presentation: Norges Bank and Banque Nationale de Belgique in London Exile 1940-1945
Liu, Jiajia, The Shanghai Rubber Stock Market Bubble of 1910 and presentation
Moreno, Guadalupe, Distrusting money and presentation
Schneider, Sabine, International Finance, Bilateral Cooperation and the World Silver Crisis, 1871-1879