The University of Cape Town (UCT) team has brought Allan Davids on board for the project "Quantitative Easing and Financial (In)Stability" funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
Allan Davids holds a Master's degree (Cum Laude) in Economics and is currently a Ph.D. student at the African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management (AIFMRM) at the UCT under the supervision of Co-Pierre Georg.
His research primarily focuses on housing markets, urban economics, and agent-based modeling applications. In particular, his Ph.D. focusses on various aspects of housing finance in South Africa. During 2018, Allan was awarded a financial stability research grant from the South African Reserve Bank to study the relationship between international capital flows and house prices, work which he has already presented at a Financial Stability workshop at Waseda University in Tokyo.
In 2019, Allan will spend a semester at the Brevan Howard Centre for Financial Analysis at Imperial College to advance his research.