22 Feb 2018

SAFE Newsletter Q1 2018 jetzt online

Themen: Bank response to higher capital requirements; the demand for central clearing; newly founded firms: initial financing matters

Q1 2018

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Reint Gropp, Thomas Mosk, Steven Ongena, Carlo Wix Bank Response to Higher Capital Requirements

Mario Bellia, Roberto Panzica, Loriana Pelizzon, Tuomas Peltonen

To Clear or Not to Clear: The Demand for Central Clearing
Interview Uwe WalzNewly Founded Firms: Initial Financing Matters
Matthias Goldmann Monetary Policy and Prudential Supervision – From Functional Separation to a Holistic Approach
Gast- kommentar Brian Barry,
Christian Leuz
Financial Plumbing most to Blame for 2008 Crisis